Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Advertising Gas Milage

Gas prices are up again. Not only are they up, but the average in Califonia is over five dollars a gallon. What?! Did you say five dollars a gallon? Looks like the summer vacation for my family just became a hike that starts at my house and goes to the nearest water tower for that “mountain peak” view.
fact is that most of us think it would be great to go as far as we could as long as the price for doing so isn’t so steep that we have to sell our shoes in order to make the last fifteen miles.

It is really not so different when it comes to website advertising. Attorneys want to go as far as possible–i.e., reach as many people as possible with their ads–provided they don’t lose their shirt in the process.

There is an amount of tweaking that is possible to make the “gas” last. If a lawyer is determined that all he will spend on internet advertising is $300 a month, then the best way to get the best mileage is to be specific about where you want to go. Get very serious about the practice areas that are most important to you and target keywords that include “lawyer” and “attorney” so that you know you are getting people who are looking for a lawyer with your particular niche.

Lawyer Marketing companies has the kind of expertise to help you discover the best keywords and the right places to channel funds to produce the most desirable results. Ask what they know about getting targeted clicks and they will help you stretch the gas further than you think.

Author Bio:

Demica Rodriguez is a search engine marketing expert of Attorneys Online™, Inc. a lawyers marketing company provides professional, innovative legal marketing and advertising solutions to lawyers and members of the legal trade providing law firm marketing strategies include graphic design, BLOGs, law firm brochures, lawyer website and networking.