Friday, July 20, 2007

Who Foots The Bill In A Criminal Injury Claim?

Injuries caused by perpetrated criminal activity are the most traumatic and complex injuries one can suffer from. These injuries tend to leave a permanent scar on the physique and psyche of the victim and his kin. In case head wounds are involved, the result may be permanent disability, physically or mentally.

It is very difficult to understand the state of mind of a victim of a criminal injury. Unless, one has gone through it, it is extremely difficult to assess the psychological stress, trauma and damage a victim suffers. Sympathizing with a victim will not heal the scars but will help him forget their depth over a period of time. Given these factors, the effort that has to go into a criminal injury claim should be the maximum. Each criminal injury case is unique in most ways and one has to deal with it in a unique manner.

Since a criminal injury’s effects on a victim’s psyche depend upon the victim’s mental make up, it is difficult to come to a decision on seeking a criminal injury claim. Raking it up in a court of law may even worsen the victim’s health further.

Most often, it has been observed that a victim favors to forget the incident and tend to put it behind instead if listing it as a criminal injury claim. This is because most victims feel that the situation may worsen. The criminal injury claims tend to be very raw and sensitive, due to the fact that the claims are to be made as soon as possible.

Having a caring and sensitive solicitor will be an advantage. It will also help if you know the solicitor on personal grounds or through your friends and family since it lends a factor of trust. The comfort level you share with your criminal injury solicitor will go a long way in turning around the whole negative aspect o the criminal injury into a positive and hopeful compensation.

Although the tendency to put the whole issue of a criminal injury on the back burner just to be comfortable with your mental state appears juicy, it is morally wrong to forget it and not file and pursue for a criminal injury claim. Being a victim is more wrong than victimizing since, you are opening the doors of encouragement to those who have hurt you the most and encouraging them to do more damage in the future.

Isolating the best and right criminal injury compensation solicitor and bringing those responsible to justice is the right and proper thing to do, as you are taking steps towards preventing them from criminally injuring others.

Turning from a victim to a victor, is just a question of winning the criminal compensation claim. Getting the criminal compensation claim you deserve can act as a turning point in your trying times, since it could heal a few psychological scars. The final outcome will of course depend upon your solicitor. Ask yourself the following questions:

• If someone you loved or cared for got hurt in a criminal activity, would you push hard to take the accused to court?

• If the victim was not agreeing and wants to put it behind, you know better since you cared and knew that their thought process is hindered or biased.

• Do you know that a compensation unpursued may be regrettable at a later date?

• Do you want to be just another victim, another on the long list, left to deal with the traumatic experience of criminal injury all by yourself?

The above questions and their answers will help you to think rationally in making you decision about pursuing a criminal compensation claim.