Friday, July 20, 2007

The Criminal Lawyer And The Law

We’ve all seen them, the TV crime programs in which a suspect is caught and brought first to jail, and later to trial. She or he is interrogated by the District Attorney and then counter-interrogated by his or her own criminal lawyer. Yet is this all there is to being a criminal lawyer? If you’re interested in the law, wish to go to law school, or simply require a criminal lawyer, this article may give you a few steps in the right direction.

First of all, while lawyers of all types are vilified greatly –we’ve all heard and told lawyer jokes like “What do you call a hundred lawyers on the bottom of the ocean?” (Answer: a good start). However, most people don’t realize that not only is the criminal lawyer’s job a difficult and important one, but these men and women that we’d like to see ‘on the bottom of the ocean’ are extremely educated and well- qualified professionals. In fact, every criminal lawyer –or solicitor in general, is a doctor; did you know that? All lawyers, to hold such a title, hold a PhD. In Jurisprudence.

After receiving their bachelor’s degree, they go on to at least 6 more years of schooling that will prepare them for the world of law. This includes learning public speaking, the art of dialog, usage and identification of sound logic and logical fallacies, as well as the history of the law and the many other aspects that go into becoming a barrister, as the British say.

The mind of the average criminal lawyer, especially, must be keenly penetrating, able to discern not only the textual “clues” of television detective-fame The criminal lawyer must also have an understanding of basic psychology to get at the truth of a criminal’s actions (especially if one goes to work for a district attorney’s office), as well as knowing how a judge and jury think.

In addition to all of these things, the bottom-line of such a lawyer is the ability to absorb and retain a multitude of facts. Thus, if law is your interest, you must begin to “learn to learn.” This is to say that you must have excellent concentration skills and be able to memorize large amounts of data and then utilize it effectively in debate, which is ultimately much of what court is –though with a procedural slant, of course.

If you are seeking a criminal lawyer, on the other hand, it is best to acquire one that has a great amount of experience; as with anything, the more experience, the better the chances of success. Many people may be able to afford only the court-appointed legal representative. If at all possible, avoid this option and hire a private solicitor. The fact is that court-appointed lawyers are overworked, underpaid, grow apathetic over time, and truly are rarely the best choice. Usually they work for the courts for one of two reasons: to truly help society, or because they couldn’t get a job at a decent law firm. The first option is rare to find and doesn’t guarantee competency; the second is ubiquitous, and not what you want if you desire to win your case. However, the choice is yours. Good luck.