Friday, July 6, 2007

Virginia Accident Lawyer - Virginia Accident Attorney

Accidents happen: Finding the right Virginia Accident Lawyer

In the U.S., auto accidents occur almost every five seconds, and if you should find yourself involved in one in the Sunshine State contacting a local, specialized Virginia accident lawyer can ensure you are compensated for the negligence of others.

Due to the complexity of the legal system, it is crucial to contact an attorney licensed and well-versed in Virginia law and who has handled various cases within the legal system.

Finding the right Virginia accident lawyer is not difficult, but it is important to do your homework prior to making your final decision.

After an accident and before you even think of calling a Virginia accident attorney, follow these steps:

  • Call the police
  • Exchange information with the other parties involved, including name, driver's license, insurance, policy number, address, telephone and any passengers
  • Do not admit any responsibility, make any statements, or sign anything
  • In Virginia, you are under no obligation to cooperate with or provide statements to the other driver's insurance company.

No-Fault Benefits/PIP

Regardless of fault, In Virginia, you are entitled to No-Fault benefits, often called Personal Injury Protection (PIP), which are paid by the insurance company of the car you were driving or riding in at the time of the accident regardless of who bears ultimate responsibility. These benefits cover medical expenses, prescriptions, lost wages and others. Every automobile owner is required to have PIP. You only have 30 days from the time of the accident to file a no-fault application, however. In Virginia, accident lawyer can assist you in filing the claim.

Uninsured Motorist

There is no requirement in Virginia that an automobile owner carry bodily injury liability insurance coverage. Uninsured motorist coverage is offered by your insurance company, and will pay some, if not all, of these types of damages.

When to contact a Virginia Accident Attorney

If you believe you are entitled for additional compensation due to "serious injury" as a result of the accident, contact an attorney as soon as possible. The attorney can help you file the necessary insurance claims while, at the same time, preparing for any legal action to seek damages you may be entitled to. If you plan to file suit, work with your Virginia accident lawyer to determine the amount you will seek. There are strict medical conditions that must be proven in order to pursue legal actions.