Friday, July 6, 2007

California Personal Injury Attorney - California Personal Injury Lawyer

When to Contact a California Personal Injury Attorney?

Whether it was a car accident, slip or fall, dog bite, medical malpractice construction accident or other, if you were injured as a result of another's negligence you need the help of an experienced California personal injury attorney.

When can I contact a California Personal Injury Lawyer?

Any one of California's personal injury lawyers or CA personal injury law firm can help you determine if you are entitled to seek financial damages for any of the following that may qualify for a personal injury action:

  • Automobile accidents
  • Construction accidents
  • Workplace injuries
  • Malpractice
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Associated emotional hardship
  • Pain and suffering

California Personal Injury Law Firm Can Be An Added Benefit

There are a series of strict laws and statutes of limitations governing personal injury suits in California, making the services of a qualified California personal injury lawyer essential if you are to proceed with any form of personal injury claim. Enlisting the services of a lawyer who is part of a California personal injury law firm can be an added bonus, as the resources of the firm are at his or her disposal.

Those who file personal injury claims may be eligible to receive damages, including financial compensation for lost income, pain and suffering, emotional distress, permanent disability, and other injuries. Personal injury can be the result of several factors, and can occur just about anywhere. That's why one of California's personal injury attorney/law firms can help you determine the best course of action.

Comparative Fault

California has what is called "Comparative Fault," which means damages may be reduced by the percent that you were also at fault in an accident or other personal injury incident.

Generally, any instance in which a person or a loved one is physically and/or emotionally hurt by another's wrongful actions or inaction may be a personal injury case. If you feel you may qualify, contact lawyer as soon as possible following the incident.

How much does a California Personal Injury Attorney Charge?

There are thousands of personal injury attorneys in California, and fees will vary depending on experience, the type of case, damages and other factors. Generally, lawyers will follow one of the following fee structures:

  • Contingency: : Initial consultations are free, and you do not pay attorney fees unless you receive financial compensation. If your case is won, the attorney receives a percentage of the settlement, usually 1/3. You may be required to pay costs, such as filing fees. In South California, fees for workman's compensation claims are tightly regulated, and are generally lower.

  • Hourly: This is usually higher or lower based on the experience of the attorney.

  • Retainer: This involves the creation of an escrow account into which you pay in advance. Lawyers deduct from this account in accordance with their hourly rate.

Generally, in California, there are the following statues of limitations:

  • Personal Injury: 4 years
  • Libel, defamation: 2 years
  • Injury to personal property: 4 years
  • Product/manufacturer liability: 4 years

There are also rules of discovery, statutes of repose, and a toll on the statute of limitations.

  • Rules of discovery: Because it is not always possible to determine if or when you have been injured until after, this rule permits a suit to be filed within a certain time period after an injury is discovered.

  • Statutes of repose: This statute puts an extended time period on when a suit can be filed, preventing claims from being filed after a set period of time.

  • Tolling the statute: In certain instances, the statute of limitations can be tolled, or stopped, for a set time period. A California Injury Lawyer can determine if this is applicable.