Monday, July 2, 2007

Medical Malpractice Attorney - Medical Malpractice Lawyer

The days of silent endurance to faulty medical practices is long gone. Today if you are a victim of medical negligence then you have a way of getting back. You are entitled to an explanation, an apology and fair compensation. You may even consider granting medical power of attorney to your lawyer to enable him to take decisions on your behalf. All this is possible with the help of a reputable medical malpractice attorney and you don't necessarily have to break your wallet in the process.

Role of a Medical Malpractice Attorney

Every time we seek medical treatment we expect to receive best care and treatment of the highest standards that we can afford. But in certain cases a negligent act or omission by a doctor, other medical professionals or the hospital results in significant damage, harm, injury or even wrongful death to the patient. The injury may be in the form of birth injuries, misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis, improper or inappropriate treatment, botched surgeries, prescription errors, failure to refer, anesthesia complications, emergency room mistakes, nursing home abuse, etc. This is where a Medical malpractice lawyer steps in.

A medical malpractice attorney or medical negligence lawyer specializes in medical malpractice lawsuits. Such attorneys assist persons who have been injured by mistakes of health care providers to secure their legal rights. Irrespective of the type of medical malpractice that you have suffered, whether it is failure to diagnose, misdiagnosis, failure to provide appropriate treatment, unreasonable delay, etc, on part of your medical professional, a medical negligence lawyer can help you to your legal rights. Thought monetary compensation does not recompense for the emotional trauma at least there is the satisfaction that the mistake is acknowledged and a lesson has been learned.

How does a Medical Negligence Lawyer prove your Medical Malpractice Cases?

In order to establish a medical malpractice case your attorney should be able to prove that your medical provider has committed a negligent act, or omission, or has in anyway failed to meet the standard of care, which resulted in damages such as pain and suffering, medical treatment and care due to injury, loss of income, permanent injury leading to future damages or death. In order for a medical malpractice lawsuit to hold good in court your lawyer should be able to prove that you have incurred substantial damages due to the negligence committed. Upon approaching a medical malpractice lawyer here is what happens:

Firstly, your medical malpractice lawyer will carefully review your claim along with preliminary medical reports and confirm that there are sufficient grounds to pursue a medical malpractice case. Once your attorney feels that there is enough cause for a medical negligence case then he will move to the investigation phase, which involves collecting all pertinent medical records to have them reviewed by a qualified medical expert. Next your medical provider will be notified of the claim. Usually the information is passed to the insurance company so that the case may be settled out of court. Once the claim is denied (which in most cases it will be) then the complaint is filed in the appropriate court. With this you and your medical malpractice attorney step into the lawsuit phase.

During the medical malpractice cases your attorney will present all relating evidences to elucidate how seriously you have been injured due to the actions of the medical professional and also emphasis on the extent of damage that you have suffered. Now it is up to the jury to decide what amounts, if any, you are entitled to recover due to the medical negligence. In certain instances depending on the nature it may be advisable to grant your lawyer medical power of attorney as this will help him take speedy decisions and actions as the circumstances requires. However, prior to granting a medical power of attorney make sure that the lawyer is reliable and is completely trustworthy and will not misuse the authority given to him.

Timing is crucial in medical malpractice lawsuits. If you are a victim to medical malpractice then approach a medical negligence lawyer at the earliest in order to have required legal proceedings initiated in a timely manner.

How to Select your Medical Malpractice Lawyer?

Research work is compulsory before selecting a medical lawyer to represent your interests. Check out references. State bar associations are an excellent source for referrals. Once you have narrowed your list then check out information on qualification, reliability, skills and area or practice of each attorney. Also seek details about his or her legal ethics and competence.

Few states specify a cap on the timeframe for filing claim and also on the extent of amounts that you can receive as compensation. It is therefore advisable to stick to a medical malpractice attorney operating in your state as he will be familiar with all relating state laws.

Go with a medical malpractice attorney having sufficient experience in handling medical negligence lawsuits. Look for a medical lawyer who will assist you to secure all required medical records along with providing personalized services as per your specific requirements. Check out extent and type of compensation that will be expected from you. Compensation may be requested in the form of hourly fee, fixed fee or as contingent fee. In medical malpractice cases knowing where to turn can make a big difference. Medical negligence lawsuits could actually become extremely complicated therefore take care to choose an experienced medical attorney specialized in this area.