Monday, July 2, 2007

IRS Tax Attorney - Tax Lawyer - IRS Tax Forms

Tax Lawyers

Experienced IRS Tax attorneys have the expertise to guide corporations, partnerships, individuals, trusts as well as tax-exempt entities to evaluate their tax requirements and analyze the alternatives. Their legal service also extends to developing innovative planning solutions that can help minimize tax liabilities and further the business objectives. The legal firms that offer tax advice and counsel take care of issues relating to taxes, penalties owed to IRS, state or municipalities. Personal income, employment, payroll and sales taxes come under the purview of the tax lawyer.

The IRS Tax attorneys under the tax division work closely with the Internal Revenue Services and the United States Attorneys for developing tax administration policies, handling civil trial and appellate litigation in federal and state courts, pursuing federal grand jury investigations and handling criminal prosecutions and appeals. These attorneys seek to secure correct, uniform and fair interpretations of the internal revenue laws in federal district and appellate courts and ensure that uniform standards are applied in criminal tax prosecutions. They also work to enhance tax administration with governmental agencies on policy and legislative proposals.

Whether it is IRS levy, IRS wage garnishment, IRS seizures, unfiled tax returns, payroll tax problems, IRS tax help or audits with liens and levys, a IRS tax attorney understands the gravity of your situation and works with you on its legal aspects. He also advises you on your rights and obligations.

IRS Tax Forms

The IRS offers a Compromise program that allows you to gain a favorable settlement by settling your tax liability for less than the full amount owed. You can make use of the services of a tax lawyer to submit an Offer in Compromise in the special IRS tax forms and save an enormous amount of money. It is essential that the chosen attorney to sort this tax issue is conversant and competent with the IRS’ procedures. This can help in determining the least amount that you need to pay to the IRS. An incorrectly submitted Offer can be rejected and you may end up paying more than is necessary.

It is essential to have a good working relationship with your tax attorney so as to optimize your tax benefits. This involves providing accurate and detailed information to your legal tax counsel. IRS Tax forms submitted to the IRS are generally signed under penalties of perjury so it is essential that you provide requested information as accurately as possible.

Decide on a clear legal fee agreement with the tax attorney so that you are completely aware of your obligation for fees and costs. This agreement must also detail the professional support that will be given to you. It is a good policy to maintain all your original documents unless they are needed for a trial. It is prudent to always check the documents that you are signing. Various IRS Tax forms may include IRS Form 2848 Power of Attorney, Form 656 Offer in Compromise document and Form 433-A or 433-B that offers financial information statements. It is essential to understand the implications of the waiver forms that you sign.

A legal firm specializing in tax matters can help clients in many ways:
  • Tax evasion cases
  • IRS representations
  • Tax audits
  • False tax returns
  • Criminal tax investigations
  • Installment payments
  • Liens and levies

Whom to Consult : CPA or IRS Tax Attorney

There are two benefits of consulting a tax lawyer in the place of a CPA. The first and important point is of confidentiality. You can enjoy an ‘attorney-client’ privilege with a tax lawyer which guarantees confidentiality to your communications. This means that a tax attorney is legally exempt from being forced to testify against you in the event of a prosecution by the IRS. Your CPA can be made to testify against you in the event of criminal proceedings against you. Another advantage of taking the services from them is that he can give you complete advice on the legal options and their implications. He can also guide you with tax bankruptcy proceedings.