Sunday, June 24, 2007

Tax Audit Lawyer

A tax litigation lawyer is sometimes needed to sort out the often complicated maze of legal problems that can mount as a result of unresolved tax issues. Whether for business or personal interests, lawyers can be extremely helpful and necessary in dealing with concerns such as audits or back taxes. When the IRS or a local state gets involved in business or personal finances, most individuals alone neither have the knowledge or the will to handle the possible interrogation and subsequent fines or judgments that can come against them. Laws, codes and requirements change frequently which can make even the most careful business or personal disclosure come up short in an audit. Make sure that the best advice from a reputable tax audit lawyer is available for any prospective complications that can arise during tax assessments.

Attorneys that specialize in matters that relate to income taxes for both personal and business interests can provide strategies and resolutions based on years of experience and education. Dealing with the IRS can be very "taxing" for most people as well as leave them in trouble with unresolved income disclosure concerns. A good tax litigation lawyer can properly assess the situation and propose a resolution that may be agreeable to both client and federal or state interests. Many businesses or individuals do not know their rights under the law and may be easily manipulated or ignorantly coerced by professionals whose job it is to crack down on criminal or negligent activities.

Many citizens may not know codes or laws and when confronted with many issues relating to taxes, are not able to properly defend themselves or their assets. Not all IRS problems are the result of malicious or premeditated evasion tactics by US citizens. Sometimes problems are caused by an improper understanding of laws or a change in individual or business status. There are many different codes that relate to individual standing that includes issues such as family dependents, real estate, savings, capital gains and other investments. Marriage or dependant status that changes can be a problem in some instances and may need the assistance of a good tax audit lawyer.

Business taxes are another concern for many owners of small or large companies. Smaller businesses may succumb to the temptation to handle taxes without a tax litigation lawyer on retainer. This can prove to be a serious mistake as continual changes in Internal Revenue requirements occur almost yearly. Before a small business even gets started, it is wise to choose a good tax litigation lawyer who understands all the business concerns that relate to taxes. Checking with qualified attorneys throughout the year will insure that taxes are safely remitted and all assets are completely accounted for during year end submissions.

Nothing can be worse for a small business to find that there has been some mishandling of finances that requires an audit from the IRS. Planning ahead with the help of a qualified tax audit lawyer can provide reasonable assurance of nothing occurring that will blindside an owner or sink a small company. "Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord...But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." (Romans 12:11, Matthew 6:33) Large companies obviously have much bigger concerns that relate to the IRS including employee taxes, profit and asset accountability. Audits are common in large companies and most will need the services of an attorney who will walk the company through an audit and its subsequent concerns.

When an individual or business needs to hire an attorney, there are several things to consider before choosing any one person or firm. Always look for attorneys that offer a legal specialty that relates to the issue at hand. For audits, a tax audit lawyer is the best choice since he or she will be up to speed on the newest laws and legal strategies that are relevant for cases involving taxes. A personal, family attorney that handles general legal matters may not be the best choice, although he or she may be able to recommend a good tax attorney. At the time of audit, a taxpayer or business owner wants the most experienced tax litigation lawyer they can find.

Always look for an attorney that has had successful experience in resolving audits and serious cases involving the IRS. Experience is a major consideration for audits since no one wants a novice dealing with the livelihood of any family or business. Word of mouth from friends or family members who have received satisfactory results is a good indicator of an experienced tax audit lawyer. It can be expensive to hire an experienced attorney who specializes in audits and taxes. However, the money that is saved in fines and fees may prove to be well worth the investment in a good attorney.