Sunday, June 24, 2007

Asbestos Attorney For Mesothelioma

An asbestos attorney for mesothelioma has the job of making sure that the victim of the disease is treated fairly by the legal system, by securing compensation from the company that is responsible for the exposure. The only known cause of mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos fibers. It wasn't until the mid 1960s that the connection was made known to workers who had been exposed. By then, a great many people were already seriously ill. The manufacturers had known about the hazards long before that time, but kept the information to themselves. Under current asbestos law, employers are required to provide adequate protective respiratory and clothing equipment, adequate hygiene facilities, training on how to safely work with asbestos, and routine health exams. Any employee who has not been afforded these protective measures and falls victim to mesothelioma has cause for recompense with the help of an attorney.

When hiring a lawyer for this concern, proceed with caution. Find a firm with experience in this kind of litigation, and get all the information you can up front before signing a contract. Know what is being agreed to, what the options are, and what the total cost will be. Make sure that all stipulations being agreed on are in writing. Verbal contracts won't hold up in court, if there is a disagreement later. Check with someone else who has used this asbestos attorney for mesothelioma, ask for a reference. Personal references are always very good, but in the absence of that, call the local Bar Association and ask about the law firm or sole practitioner being considered for hire. They will inform the caller whether or not they have a good reputation and if they have had complaints filed against them.

Mesothelioma is a somewhat rare cancer that affects the lungs or the peritoneal areas. The beginning symptoms are so vague that a diagnosis is not usually made until the disease is in its final stages. Life expectancy for a victim is one to five years, even with treatment. With those kinds of odds, it is no wonder that victims seek the assistance of an asbestos lawyer for mesothelioma to sue those who were responsible for notifying them of the risks, and for protecting them from exposure.

It is up to the client to make sure the attorney has all the necessary details regarding their exposure so that he can accurately present the case in court. The laws are there to protect workers in those industries where exposure is a danger, and breaking those laws is a crime. However, if the information presented to prove his case is inadequate, the asbestos attorney for mesothelioma may still lose the case. Cooperation between client and attorney is essential for success. The least a victim can expect is for his family to be taken care of after his death. His own life may be too short to fully enjoy any compensation that is realized from a lawsuit, but a spouse and children can survive without his paycheck.

This certainty of a negative prognosis adds to the burden of the asbestos attorney for mesothelioma too. He has a limited time to have this case presented before the court, and if there are too many postponements or delays, the client may not be around when the case is ready to be heard. In the event the client is part of a large class action suit against one of the major asbestos manufacturers, it won't matter as much whether he's there or not. In that event, the family members will file a claim for his share of the settlement.

There is no guarantee, of course, of the outcome of any lawsuit. However, a good asbestos lawyer for mesothelioma will probably succeed in some kind of settlement for his client (the manufacturers of this product do not want to endure a lawsuit, so they are often willing to settle out of court for generous sums). It is possible that could change if any other cause for this type of cancer is ever proved, but right now there is no other known cause for the disease. This puts the burden squarely on the shoulders of the manufacturers. OSHA enforces the law, which defines permissible exposure levels for asbestos in the workplace. Employers are also required to conduct frequent exposure monitoring and create regulated work areas. When taking a case to court, an asbestos lawyer for mesothelioma will make the company prove it followed the laws.

"Let everyone be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God" (Romans 13;1) The manufacturers today are complying with the asbestos laws, and lawsuits requiring the services of an asbestos attorney for mesothelioma are fewer in number. Safer work places was the goal of the asbestos lawyer for mesothelioma, along with achieving compensation for the victims. It appears that goal may have been reached.