Monday, September 3, 2007

Preparing Your Motorcycle Accidents Claim

Claiming for compensation when you have been involved in a motorcycle accident has never been easier. There are a vast number of companies who are available to help, many of whom offer no win, no fee agreements. This means that whatever the outcome of the accident claim, you will not be liable to pay for the costs of your lawyer. Instead, they recoup that from the other party. If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident on the road which was not your fault, then you are legally entitled to claim compensation for your injury, and any damage to your bike.

To prepare a motorcycle accident claim, firstly it is imperative to seek medical attention immediately after the incident. The reasons for this are threefold; firstly, and most obviously, your injuries most likely need treatment, and even if this is not the case it is advisable to be checked over anyway. Secondly, any delay in seeking medical attention may raise questions and doubts surrounding your accident claim. Finally, medical reports can be key material when the amount of compensation being dished out is decided, and so any documentation should be copied and kept safely.

At the scene of the accident itself, if possible, all the details of any other parties involved in the collision should be collected, as well as phone numbers of any people who witnessed the event. This will help to give a true reflection of what happened, again so that the compensation payout is maximised. Similarly, pictures should be taken where possible, as this will help to strengthen the case. If there are any gaps in the story, or anything which doesnt quite seem to add up this will be jumped upon by the defence and you may end up with nothing.

Compensation claims involving motorcyclists are steadily on the increase, and more and more people being to realise that they are entitled to compensation for their injuries. Despite public opinion that motorcyclists are a nuisance, and drive too fast and recklessly, it is often other road users who are at fault for accidents. However experienced a biker, however many miles that have been clocked up since they began using their bikes and however skilled a biker thinks they are, there is nothing that can be done about the negligence of other motorists. Car drivers are sometimes caught unaware by passing motorcyclists, which can lead to devastating collisions and accidents. On top of this, there is the problem of the road surfaces themselves, which are a lot harder to contend with when on a motorcycle than in a car.

All in all, accidents involving motorcycles often end up with the rider being thrown large distances from the bike, and sometimes being crushed underneath them and dragged many feet. The end result is often hugely traumatic, and can cause serious injury as well as psychological impairments. Therefore, when another driver is at fault for the collision, it is highly likely that you will have a strong case to claim compensation, and it is worthwhile getting in contact with one of the many personal injury claims companies around.