Saturday, August 18, 2007

How Effective Is It To Hire A Private Investigator?

Private Investigators are a powerful part of our free society. They provide a powerful force against cheaters, evil doers, criminals, and are the single most powerful resource in defending the innocent. Because private investigators are not a government agency they can conduct investigations, free of most restrictions and bureaucratic sludge that often allows criminals to escape the law. Cheaters (criminals) are quick at finding loop holes in the law and are just as quick at finding low priority crimes, that law enforcement just doesn’t have time to investigate. A perfect example of such crimes are commonly called white collar crimes. Many white collar criminals go on for years until they are caught because the crime often does not endanger lives and is subsequently a lower priority. Private investigators are often called in to fill in the gap in by detecting fraud (white collar crime). Law enforcements need for private investigators is further increased by the government bureaucracy, that is often slow to adjust to the changes in crime patterns. In other words the criminals are faster at changing their strategies in crime than the police are at changing their investigative tactics. This often leaves the criminals undetected. Law Enforcement, and the public, need private detectives simply because law enforcement must focus their limited resources on life endangering crimes.

Private detectives are often current or former police detectives. Subsequently private eyes typically have the same basic investigative skills and resources as law enforcement, and have even further skills and resources from their private detective experiences. These increased capabilities are magnified by the private sectors comparatively larger investigative budget, per case. Private Detectives simply have more money and investigative energy to spend on low priority cases. Finally, the laws and regulations that a police office must follow restrict their ability to obtain justice at times, while a private detective enjoys far more freedoms.

Another perfect example of how private investigators commonly help when the police don’t can be found in the area of runaway children and missing children. Children that runaway are often in serious danger from sexual assault, drugs, and street violence, yet the police often do nothing. Unless the runaway child is 12 or under, or unless you can prove foul play, it is almost impossible to get a Police detective, in a major metropolitan area, to look for your child. Sadly, in most runaway cases, the police report is taken and then it simply ends up on a desk in the detective bureau until the parent calls to report that they’ve found the child. However, one simple call to a ‘good gumshoe’ (private detective) and you can expect your child back in as little as 24 hours. Is this true? Why? This is true simply because a private detective can and will dedicate more investigative resources on the case in 24 hours than you can expect an average law enforcement agency to put in place on your case in a month. This is not meant to demean the police departments around the Country, they do the best they can with limited resources. The police are really only financially able to support major investigations such as murder, rape, and robbery’s. A private detective may have 5 or 10 open cases, while a single Police Detective might have 100 cases open. So with a case load that high and a limited budget per case, you can imagine how easy it is to find your case at the bottom of the pile, and no police detective ever gets to the bottom of their case load.

Another example of how a private investigator can help is in the area of locating people. For example, the service of process, or the collection of a judgment, requires you to locate the subject first. Police officers don’t get involved with most civil matters and so it is unlikely that the police would be any help in these matters. However, a good private detective will solve these cases rapidly bringing you results fast. A private detective would simply run several checks on the bad address and the new address would be found, often in minutes. As far as finding hidden assets, its far more time consuming for the private detective, but the private detective is bound to deliver hidden assets if they exist. Private investigators are experts at sniffing out those hard to find hidden assets.

Hidden assets are often hidden for two purposes, to hide them from a person such as a spouse or debtor, or to hide them from the IRS. Private detectives typically get involved in finding hidden assets related to divorces or debtor judgments. Private investigators use various confidential resources, plain old fashion surveillance and detective work, and when legal the use of pre-texting to find hidden assets. Locating hidden assets is one of the most challanging assignments for any investigator and is subsequently one of the more costly tasks that a private detective agency is hired to do. The costs are typically worth the results, since the results often lead to large amounts of discovered assets that the client usually walks away with.

Private detectives are the best kept secret in winning any court case. People mistakenly put their faith in their lawyer alone, and lawyers are often afraid to ask their client for additional money to hire a private detective and subsequently do without. If you want to win your court case, demand that a private investigator be a integral part of your case strategy, don’t take my word for it simply look at the O.J. Simpson trial, the private detectives found the leads and evidence, that the attorneys used to paint an innocent picture to the jurors. We encourage attorneys and the public to put their faith in a good private eye. A good private detective will gather all of the fact winning evidence, and can warn your attorney about the opposition’s case strategies insuring that there are no surprises in court. A good private detective hands the attorney all of the tools needed to win in court, a good attorney decides how to present them in front of the Judge and jury. So if you would like to win your current court battle, remember that a good private detective is critical to your cases success.