Monday, August 27, 2007

DUI Attorney

DUI Attorneys specialize in defending cases of DUI (Driving while Under the Influence)

DUI or DWI is a serious charge and applies to any instance where a person operates a motor vehicle on public roads while "under the influence" of alcohol or drugs both illegal and prescribed medications.

A DUI affects your criminal record (DUI may be classified as a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on past convictions) and can impact your driving privileges, your employment, your family.

If you are stopped and the police officer believes that you may be intoxicated you will be asked to perform a number of road side tests. If the police officer believes you are impaired you will be arrested for DUI.

You have various factors to consider when you’re arrested for driving under the influence. A DUI charge can have many serious consequences (going to jail, losing your driver’s license, losing work, fines to pay, length of program requirements and more).

DUI attorneys who have experience, know your rights, the courtroom procedure, the details of DUI laws, and who specialize in drunk driving analysis case defenses can help minimize the impact this charge will have in your life.

The proper legal help can use the laws to protect your interest. If you made a mistake do not make it more difficult by delaying any longer. Consult with a DUI attorney as soon as possible.