Friday, June 29, 2007

Working Out a Safety Plan

A safety plan covers steps a person needs to take to keep him- or herself, and his or her children, safe from domestic violence.

Although each safety plan is different, the following are among the questions each person should consider before applying for a Domestic Violence Restraining Order:

Where will you live?

  • Should you leave your present residence, or should you ask the court to order the person you want restrained to leave?
  • If you will leave, how and when will you leave? When and where will you go? What will you take?

Where will your children live?

  • If the person you want protection from is also the parent of any of your children who are under 18 years of age, you need to get advice from an attorney, the district attorney, or a domestic violence counselor regarding the rights and responsibilities that both you and the other parent have concerning the children.

What important documents will you need?

  • You should keep certified copies of your Restraining Order with you at all times, and keep copies of other important legal or other papers such as court orders if you move or go to live in a shelter.

What emotional support or counseling will help you and your family members?

  • Many domestic violence victims need extra help in handling their experiences, or in dealing with substance abuse, mental health issues, anger management, and parenting or relationship problems. Who are you going to turn to for help?