Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Critical Steps to Protect Your Case Right Now

Free Download: Automobile Accident Fact Book. Learn the Steps to Protect Your Automobile Accident Case.

Take the initiative to protect your case. Complete the short form & download our Free Accident Fact Book.

What you need to know:

1. Do NOT speak with their insurance company. No recorded statements. They may contact you & pretend to help but please remember, they are not on your side. Their interests are not consistent with your interests.

2. Please get and keep the identity, address & number of all persons involved in the accident including witnesses. Do not rely on the police to do that for you. Get tag numbers from all such persons.

3. Most importantly, seek immediate medical attention even if you think you may not be injured. You can sustain internal injuries and not be aware; they can be life threatening.

4. To learn other critical steps to take right now, download our Free Accident Fact Book.